Middle East political researcher of the grave Isis |? Ministry of ...

The ISIL (the Aishiru) [word article] - smiling Encyclopedia

Middle East political researcher of the grave Isis |? Ministry of ... ISIL (Aishiru), or The ISIS (Isis), which is mainly Iraq and the Levant Sunni Islam fundamentalist organizations that are active in the (historical Syria. Sharm in Arabic). ISIL and ISIS is an abbreviation both, the official name is as follows. However, there is debate about how to call the organization, also call it is different in the media in the State. ISIL = The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, [Iraq and the Levant of the Islamic countries] ISIS = The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham / Syria, [Iraq and Sharm / Syria of Islamic countries Overview Borders of the current Islamic countries, Western powers is based on the past to Saikusupiko agreement, claiming it to be invalid as it was forcibly divided. The aim of Islamic unity based on the use of force, is expanding its controlled areas in the day-to-day Syria and Iraq. Referred to as the caliph (Sheikh), which means the Prophet Muhammad's successor leaders of Abubakuruaru = Bagudadi, all Muslims of the world have argued that it should obey him.