Middle East political researcher of the grave Isis |? Ministry of ...

Column: cracks began to appear [Islamic State] Business - Reuters

Middle East political researcher of the grave Isis |? Ministry of ... Column: cracks began to appear [Islamic State] Business Extremist organization [Islamic State] was the past year, we have confronted the incessantly world their atrocities. Attempted genocide of minority Yajidi Muslims in Iraq, in Syria slaughtered the Shiite residents, was executed the journalists and activists in an outrageous way. In the last week, it released a video to be to have beheaded the Egyptian people of the Christian sect Copts in Libya. However, with their official statement of bullish full commitment contrary to Islamic countries seem to be strategically more and more cornered themselves. Growing power of the Islamic countries so far, it has largely relied to the robbery and stealing. They and oil revenues from the oil field that was robbed in eastern Syria last month, money and goods were looted in Mosul of Iraq, such as the the main source of funding hostage ransom, they have attracted a large number of combatants in a very short period of time. However, by the air strikes and the global crude oil depreciation of the US-led, it has decreased the oil revenues.